
Now ETV Verified!

The HydroStorm is a hydrodynamic separator that efficiently removes oil, TSS and trash from stormwater runoff and storm drains and results in clean and treated stormwater.

Efficient Design

The HydroStorm can be utilized as a part of a treatment train or as a stand-alone product. Developed in 2013, HydroStorm has taken the water management industry by storm with its unique and efficient design.

Protects The Environment

The HydroStorm works by using a swirling motion to help settle out sediment from the stormwater and retain floatables, keeping hazardous materials and pollution out of stormwater runoff and protecting our watershed.

Independent Testing

The HydroStorm is NJDEP certified, NJCAT verified and ETV verified.. The HydroStorm was independently tested and carried out by GLOBE Performance Solutions, using ISO 14034:2016 Environmental management – Environmental technology verification (ETV). This verification provides credible, reliable and independent verification of the performance of environmental technologies and aids in achieving sustainable development.

HydroStorm Features:

  • High-flow bypass prevents scour at high flows
  • Designed to accommodate multiple inlet pipes
  • Captures oil spills, TSS and trash
  • Lower Cost compared to other competitors
  • Reduced sump depths to minimize excavation
  • Small footprint to avoid conflicts with other services
  • Engineered for traffic loading
  • Can be used as an inlet or a bend structure
  • Sized based on independent TSS removal results
  • Low Headloss (K= 1.04) to minimize impact to the drainage system
  • Minimum elevation drop from inlet to outlet

Are you planning a new development or upgrading municipal products? Contact us to get the best solution for your stormwater management plans.